Kitten weight chart - Click HERE
27 June 2010 - Goodbye Poppy
Poppy left us today to live with her new mummy Duha in Northbridge. Poppy will be joining us at cat shows occassionally so I will get to see her often. Good luck to Duha with her new addition. Boo Boo will be staying with me for another week or so.
20 June 2010 - Kittens are 12 weeks and attended the Federal Cat Club Show
The kittens are 12 weeks this week and we went to the Federal Cat Club Show on 20 June and the kittens did exceptionally well. BooBoo (black shaded boy) won Best Baby Kitten, 4th Best Desexed Kitten and 5 Best Desexed Kitten. Poppy also won one top 5 placing - 4th Best Desexed Kitten. The 2 kittens also won Best Litter so I went home with lots of lovely ribbons and prizes. The judges love the kittens and we attracted lots of oohs and ahhs in the audience when they came out of their cage!!
3 June 2010 - Kittens are 10 weeks old today and loads of videos.
The kittens are so cute now. I can see their little personalities coming out.
This week I have made a decision to let Poppy go to a pet home. We are in the middle of moving so I can't really cope with keeping another kitten at this stage.
I have already found 2 wonderful homes for these kittens. At this stage I still don't know which kitten is going to which home but I am sure both families are fantastic so the kittens will be well loved whichever way it goes.
kittens playing outside on the balcony
Poppy and Boshi playing hide and seek with my hair clip
Big boy drinking from mummy (of course he is allowed... just teasing him)
Poppy being a cutie
20 May 2010 - Kittens are 8 weeks old this week
The kittens are playing with the feather teaser today... so cute!
11 May 2010 - Kittens are 6 weeks old this week
The kittens are now 6 weeks old and are very cheeky. They run around the room like little rockets and you cant catch them!!! Boshi loves the new kittens, he thinks they are his new fluffy toys. He chases them and then jump on them to tell them that he is boss!
28 April 2010 - Kittens are now 5 weeks old
Kittens are 5 weeks told. The photo was taking last friday very cute. They are now eating on their own and using the litter tray. Very smart cats. Will do a video shortly.
23 April 2010 - Kittens are now 4 weeks old climbing out of their bed
The kittens are now 4 weeks old and are starting to become active. They have taken interest in me finally and we are becoming good friends. The brown girl is starting to enjoy tummy rubs and the black boy is way too busy exploring all the new toys.
17 April 2010 - Kittens are now 3 weeks old
The kittens are growing up really fast. This week they are able to stand on their week and started to stumble walk :) I suspect by next week they will be walking more confidently and will be out of their bed :)
I was talking studio photos for the Holly litter so thought that I should take some of these cuties when they are young. See below.
7 April 2010 - Kittens are almost 2 weeks old
Fuji and the kittens are doing very well. I honestly havent had much interaction with them the last few days because of the Easter Show but hopefully I will have more time to play with them once the Royal is over next week. The brown girl's eyes are starting to open and the black boy just has little pin hole eyes at this stage. They are quite aware of me being around now and are hissing at me. I hope that means "hello" from tiny little kittens.
29 March 2010 - Kittens are still doing fine
Fuji and kittens are still doing fine. I took a video of the kittens the other day.
24 March 2010 - One more little black kitten born
Fuji has done it again.. She gave birth to her second black shaded baby 29 hours after her first kitten. This kitten came out in breech so she was in a bit of pain. But she was a clever girl and gave birth to the large kitten in 5 pushes. Mummy and kittens are doing just fine.
23 March 2010 - One little brown girl born today
Fuji gave birth to a small brown kitten this morning. I think it is a she :) It seems that she has settled down but I can definitely feel another kitten inside. Perhaps the next kitten will come out later.
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